Michael Korstick explained Beethoven from A for expression to Z for future to the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF). Listen to his answers by clicking on the letters.
Michael Korstick explains the master
Beethoven ABC
A for expression
B for Bonn
C for Czerny
D for Diabelli Variations
E for E flat major
F for fortissimo
G for speed rush
H for fortepiano
I like interpretation
J for Jugendwerk
K for classic
L for reading
M for Mozart
N for quotation
O like opus number
P for pedal
Q for quartet
R for Rhinelander
S for sonata
T for titanium
U for Urtext
V for variation form
W for fidelity
X for XXL
Y as in XY
Z for future
Published with the kind permission of ORF: Gerald Heidegger (idea, concept, texts), Guy Lichtenstein (direction and editing), Georg Geutebrück, Christian Haag (camera), Cristi Iorga (sound), Emese Torma (make-up), Ronald Monteverdi (piano tuning)